I always test my hay for Relative Forage Quality (RFQ). I have it tested through my local UGA extension agent. The hunt for good hay at the same price or cheaper than average hay can be a challenge. This year I found Rye Grass/Red Clover mix hay with RFQ of 135 much cheaper than high quality Bermuda which usually only tests around 100 RFQ. The graphic below gives an idea of what type of hay to look for here in the Southeast that has the potential to be good hay for lactating animals. The dark blue background on the chart indicates the target RFQ for lactating animals. As you can see Bermuda and Bahia do not make it to the dark blue. They are good hays for dry animals but do not make the cut for lactating animals. These are the most common hays in our area. If I can find and feed a hay such as Rye Grass that tests well, I will have healthier does with plenty of milk for the kids.